One Dance UK Launches new Research into Freelance Workers in Dance

Freelancers in Dance Research - credit Brian slater

One Dance UK has commissioned the first workforce research for over 10 years focusing on this unique and vital part of the dance workforce.  The project is designed to generate new insight into the working lives of freelancers.

Freelancers form a significant share of the workforce in the dance sector, and One Dance UK is keen to understand their working lives and gauge the contribution that this segment of professionals makes to dance in the UK.

One Dance UK has partnered with Arts Council England to commission researchers from the University of Bedfordshire’s Research Institute for Media, Arts and Performance to carry out this study, which we hope will uncover important and critical insights for dance.

The research team are approaching dancers, producers, teachers, choreographers, managers, researchers and healthcare providers to participate in this study, the first of its kind.

One Dance UK anticipate that the study will reveal pivotal findings that will help shape the advocacy work that we undertake on behalf of the workforce in dance and inform the development of projects and new initiatives that One Dance UK and other partners carry out to support freelancers.

Participation from the sector will be key to making this important research project a success and the research team are keen to hear from every freelancer and independent artist at any stage in their career. One Dance UK urge everyone in the sector to get involved and complete the survey – it’s a unique chance to make your voice heard and to make a difference to the UK dance sector.  Make sure you have your say!

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