New choreography award launched by DanceXchange

DanceXchange Choreography Award

Calling all Midlands choreographers to enter new choreography award – deadline 23 January 2017.

DanceXchange – the Midlands-based dance house – has launched the new dx Choreography Award to support artists at an early stage of their choreographic career.

As part of DanceXchange’s new Artist Development programme which will be launched in Spring 2017, the dx Choreography Award will support the practice of up to 8 early-career artists each year who are based, living or working in the Midlands.

Shabbat - DanceXchange Choreography Award

The dChoreography Award is an ongoing programme for artists with the ambition to grow and further develop their practice.  Two callouts each year allows successful applicants to incorporate the dx Choreography Award into their project development.

Recipients of a dx Choreography Award will receive bespoke support in the form of studio and production space, advice and mentoring, as well as a cash bursary and the opportunity to present their work as part of the dx Scratch sharing event.

The deadline for applications for artists interested in developing their work during March – June 2017 is Monday 23 January 2017, 5pm.

For full details visit