Don’t just watch dance, become part of the show, go outside, put on some headphones and perform in Is this a Waste Land?

Is this a Waste Land? by Charlotte Spencer Projects. Photo by Pari Naderi

Imagine going into a field, meeting a random group of people, putting on headphones, hearing music, following instructions and performing choreography. This is the unique creation of choreographer Charlotte Spencer called Is this a Waste Land?

Her work and company Charlotte Spencer Projects has been described as stretching the boundaries of choreography, challenging the normally accepted notion of ‘what is dance?’

Charlotte Spencer, Choreographer. Photo by Camilla Greenwell
Charlotte Spencer, Choreographer & Artistic Director. Photo by Camilla Greenwell

But Charlotte’s work reaches new audiences, engages them differently, and creates an experience that is growing in popularity and being shared through word of mouth and across social media.

In a world that can sometimes feel homogenised, people are seeking out what’s new and different and Is this a Waste Land? leaves audiences with a sense of personal transformation and a sense that they themselves created something.

LISTEN to Charlotte talking about how she created Is this a Waste Land? and the incredible feedback from the audience who became part of the show.

Is this a Waste Land? is on 12 – 14 May 2017 at Dance International Glasgow.